Contact VDC Electronics
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Mailing Address
VDC Electronics
155 W. Carver Street, Suite 2
Huntington, NY 11743
Order via Phone Toll Free (800) 379-5579 ET x208
Order via FAX (631) 423-8029
Technical Support (800-379-5579 x206) Before you contact us regarding any questions about your BatteryMINDer, please have the following information ready
- The model number. The model number is located on the face of the unit.
- The resting voltage of your battery. Note that the voltage has to be over 10.5 for a 12 Volt battery except when being charged with the BatteryMINDer 12248, 24041, 36271 or 48041.
* This is a required field.
VDC Electronics, Inc. does not release personal information to ANY external organization. This information is for our records only. Thank you for your business.