Thank You For Purchasing A BatteryMINDer®

If you have not purchased your BatteryMINDer product DIRECTLY from (either online or phone), you may use this form to register your products online. Customers who have purchased DIRECTLY from us are AUTOMATICALLY registered and should not register here. If you have any questions, please click here to contact Customer Support.

*First Name
*Last Name
*Email Address
*Confirm Email Address
*Street Address 1
Street Address 2
*ZIP or Postal Code
(No Dashes Please)
*Would you like to be kept informed of VDC's New products when they become available?
Yes | No |
*Current Model #
*Purchased From
(Name of store or web site)
*Date of Purchase
How do you plan to use the product?
Do you have other applications for the product?
Yes | No |
User's Age
Do you own a Battery Tender or similar product?
Yes | No |
What influenced you in your purchase?
*What does 7 + 1 =
? (For security purposes, please answer this simple math problem.)

* Required.

VDC Electronics, Inc. does not release personal information to ANY external organization. This information is for our records only. Thank you for your business.

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